
The Ancient Pyramids of the World, a new photo exhibition by Viktor Pinchuk took place in Crimea

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 

Yesterday, Russian Wikinews attended one of the latest cultural events in Crimea. An exhibition of works by Russian photographer Viktor Pinchuk was held at the Genoese Fortress Museum-Reserve in Sudak. It was timed to coincide with the annual “Night of Geography” event of the Russian Geographical Society. The exhibition was held in a digital format, which allowed an increase in the number of works on display, without transporting them to the exhibition.

The author, who traveled to dozens of countries in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America, presented to the audience a collection of photographs taken at different times, all united by one theme. The exhibition is called The Ancient Pyramids of the World ((ru))Russian language: ‍Древнейшие пирамиды мира. It contains images of archaeological monuments from Egypt, Sudan, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Indonesia, Cambodia, Samoa and Peru — although the objects called “pyramids” in Túcume are of controversial origin).

The author highlighted the once pyramid-shaped and now almost completely destroyed Pulemelei Mound. It is located in the impenetrable jungle of the Samoan island of Savai’i. It was visited by the Crimean wanderer, and is practically unknown outside a narrow circle of professional archaeologists. The “road” to it is so overgrown that it is impossible to get there without a guide.

What visitors learned, according to the author of the exhibition, should encourage them to hit the road, or at least, pay more attention to the study of the historical and geographical objects of the planet.

Some of the works presented


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Exhibition featuring ethnic music from around the world opens in Crimea

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 

Author’s logo

On May 17, Russian Wikinews attended one of the latest cultural events in Crimea.

The Museum of Simferopol History, located on Alexander Pushkin Street in the center of the Crimean capital, has opened a new exhibition, unique of its kind. The exhibition of CDs of ethnic music of the peoples of the world called Aboriginal melodies and songs ((ru))Russian language: ‍Туземные мелодии и песни; includes about one hundred factory-made exhibits from the personal collection of Simferopol philophonist — collector of musical recordings — and traveler Viktor Pinchuk. Most publications are difficult to buy in the Russian Federation and Europe. Each disc was released in the artist’s country of residence: there are no Western reissues or computer copies in the selection.

“All the specimens presented in the museum were brought by me from travels and expeditions,” explained the creator of the exhibition and added, with disappointment, that many of the countries visited are quite poor, and therefore do not have the ability to produce CDs.

About a dozen listeners were present at the opening of the exhibition, where only half of the collection was presented. The exhibition will last two weeks, which will allow not only city residents, but also visitors to get acquainted with it.

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Holyday of wandering mzungu, presentation of the book by Russian adventurer took place in the Crimean capital

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 

Author’s logo

Russian Wikinews attended Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk‘s April 8 presentation at the Crimean Republican Library for Youth in Simferopol, on his book Holyday of wandering mzungu ((ru))Russian language: ‍Холидей бродячего мзунгу.

“Holiday of Wandering Mzungu” is a travelogue full of adventures, describing one of the author’s solo expeditions, the route of which began with the deportation of a Russian citizen by the authorities of an island dwarf state, and ended with a robbery, a result of which all the photographic material shot over six months was lost.

Potential readers, among whom different age categories were represented, asked the author many questions.

Viktor Pinchuk characterized the book:
A literary work created in the genre of a travel essay, chronologically sequentially, in detail and reliably describes the six-month route of a traveler-vagrant, which included ten African countries. The problematic and extreme situations with which “Holiday…” is replete, coupled with the description of the wretchedness of natives’ habitat, create a certain unique flavor, which the reader imbues with every page turned, involuntarily drawing a parallel between the unreal (for him) world of African wanderings and the surrounding reality, realizes the positive and all the delights of his existence, even if before he picked up this book, he thought otherwise.

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Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk presents book Third African trip in Bakhchysarai, Crimea

Monday, March 25, 2024 

Poster of presentation

Russian Wikinews attended Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk‘s March 4 presentation at the Alexander Pushkin Library in Bakhchysarai , Crimea on his book Third African trip ((ru))Russian language: ‍Третья афровылазка.

The author described the route taken and explained his “hobo tourism” ((ru))Russian language: ‍бомж-туризм method, similar to backpacking, but tougher and more complex.

Those present learned from the author of the literary work a lot of interesting things about the creative trip, which included six countries, saw book illustrations and other photographs, including those exhibited at the personal exhibition “Hitchhiking across Sudan” (see link below), and were surprised to hear story of the author, who was carried away by the stormy waters of the Kunene River to the uninhabited territory of a neighboring country (see link below). There were many questions and as many answers.

Photographs from the book

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